What Does Minoru’s $500 Million Investment in Angola Mean?

The Brazilian-Angolan executive Valdomiro Minoru Dondo has been in Angola for well over 35 years – and he is described as an upstanding responsible and patriotic citizen of Angola. Mr. Valdomiro Minoru Dondo has invested well over $500 million (~Kz 299 trillion) in the country in the past three decades and has impacted the lives of Angolan citizens extensively through this.

Mr. Minoru through The VMD Group has become a leading entrepreneur in transport, real estate, banking, mining, healthcare, catering, consumer packaged goods, and IT during these years. In the past two years the COVID 19 pandemic has had a substantial negative impact on the growth of the VMD Group, the enterprise has however maintained an unusual capacity of sustainability by retaining the over five thousand high skilled jobs that continue to manage the Group.

Mr. Valdomiro Minoru Dondo’s investments and diverse business experience, have created over five thousand professional jobs and another three thousand artisan opportunities. His ventures allowed the country to maintain a much better standing during the COVID-19 pandemic than neighboring developing countries in the Sub Sahara region. . The VMD Group under the leadership of Mr. Valdomiro Minoru Dondo had successfully structured his investments and businesses to tackle any market adversities that are common especially in developing market environments.

In the recent years, The VMD Group has invested massively in the diamond & gold mining, and oil exploration industries through the purchase of heavy equipment and refineries The initiatives taken by The VMD Group are unprecedented for most developing environments and specifically Angola. Many global business leaders and think tanks are now discussing this unique and bold approach to investment as a superior principle in creating business growth that has a sustainable impact to all stakeholders. Although the VMD Group’s investments have been immensely successful in driving the change Angola needs, there is safe business opportunity for more investments – a challenge that Mr. Valdomiro Minoru Dondo through the VMD Group is keen on achieving by continuing to show case and attract other potential foreign investors.

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